Real-life customer reviews detailing the weaknesses of the Subaru Forester

Hello, neighbor! I’m glad you dropped by for a cup of coffee and with questions about the downsides of the Subaru Forester. I’ve serviced many Forester owners and can share the most common complaints from my clients based on my experience. They’ve told me about what tends to break down more often and where the car’s weak points are.

Some customers report corrosion issues, especially in the lower parts of the car. I think it’s safe to say that this isn’t a good thing, and ultimately, it could lead to the formation of holes in the body and chassis.

Other Subaru Forester owners mention problems with the transmission, especially if it’s a continuously variable transmission (CVT). This type of transmission can be quite expensive, and if maintenance and repairs aren’t done properly, the CVT might fail prematurely.

Regarding engine problems, I’ve told you about them before, but I’ll mention again that turbocharged engines are prone to overheating and other minor issues.

As for the suspension and the noise it generates, owners often note a sensation of stiff suspension, which on noisy roads could lead to problems with air leaks from windows and doors.

The Subaru Forester doesn’t have clearly defined downsides across a specific series; everything is quite individual. Some people mention rust on the body, while others might not experience it. Some might find the car relatively noisy, while for others, it’s quite comfortable.

My advice to you, neighbor, is to take it for a test drive before making a purchase (or rent it for a couple of days), take it for a spin, and give it a closer look. If you like it, go ahead and buy it, and enjoy the ride of life!

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2 thoughts on “Real-life customer reviews detailing the weaknesses of the Subaru Forester

  1. As a Subaru Forester owner, I would be very grateful for these valuable insights. Corrosion and transmission issues seem quite serious, but regular maintenance might help avoid these problems.

  2. The suggestion to rent the car for a few days before buying is excellent. This will provide the opportunity to better understand if the vehicle suits personal needs and expectations.

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